Heim Begehbare Umweltprüfkammer

Walk-in Constant Temperature And Humidity Test Chamber

Walk-in Constant Temperature And Humidity Test Chamber

Walk-in environmental test chamber series products, the first through the CE certification, configuration 34L, 64L, 100L, 180L, 340L, 600L, 1000L, 1500L and other volume models, to meet the needs of different customers. Environmentally friendly refrigerants and high-performance refrigeration systems are used in the design, and components are made of internationally renowned brands. The unique humidification system provides a wide selection of humidity ranges.Temperature range: 150℃~ -40℃; 150℃~ -70℃, Cooling rate: 1℃/min or 3℃/min.


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Walk-in Constant Temperature And Humidity Test Chamber

Item name

Walk-in Constant Temperature And Humidity Test Chamber

Item Number


Internal volume


Internal size

W:  3200mm  × H:  2000mm  × D:  3000mm

The weight of the product being tested


Heating power of the product being tested


Test hole

The test hole is located on the left side of the box: diameter φ50mm (diameter φ100mm can be selected according to demand), and equipped with a soft silicone plug, through the top of the box to lead into the basket;

The number of test holes can be increased according to actual demand (note in advance)

Observation window

A 300×450mm electrothermal coating moisture-proof thermal insulation observation window is opened on the door

Main performance index


Functional requirement

Air cooling, heating, humidification, dehumidification; According to the temperature and humidity setting, the indoor space reaches the set temperature and humidity;Provide independent cooling water equipment;

Test environment condition

The ambient temperature is +25℃, the relative humidity is less than 85%, and there is no sample in the laboratory

Test method

GB/T5170.5-1996, Electrical and electronic equipment environmental test equipment basic parameter identification method temperature and humidity test equipment

Temperature range


Humidity range


Temperature and humidity curve table


Temperature uniformity

≤±2℃ when there is a blast (test in the working area, the working area refers to the area 300mm away from the four sides and the top internal wall)

Humidity uniformity

≤±2.5% when there is a blast (test in the working area, the working area refers to the area 300mm away from the four sides and the top internal wall)

Heating time

No more than 80min from 20℃ to 65℃ (No more than 120min from 20℃ to -40℃ (when heating power of the product being tested is 10KW, ambient temperature is 20℃)

Cooling time

No more than 120min from 20℃ to -40℃ (when heating power of the product being tested is 10KW, ambient temperature is 20℃)

Meet test criteria

1.GB/T10589-1989 Low temperature test chamber technical conditions;

2.GB/T10586-1989 Temperature and humidity test chamber technical conditions;

3.GB/T10592-1989 High and low temperature test chamber technical conditions;

4.GB2433 and other related standards:

1, Compressor protection measures

1) Compressor exhaust temperature adjustment: automatically adjust the compressor exhaust temperature, so that the compressor temperature is kept within the normal range, so that it operates in the best condition, avoid the compressor overcooling and overheating, and extend the service life of the compressor (compressor undercooling: the refrigerant oil thickens, may cause the compressor oil shortage, compressor damage; compressor overheating: resulting in a reduction in the insulation performance of the compressor coil, further burning the compressor)

2) In order to ensure the long-term reliable operation of the compressor, the exhaust and return end of the compressor is equipped with a temperature transmitter, which is controlled by PLC, so that the compressor can operate under normal conditions.

2, High temperature compressor opening measures

Automatically adjust the compressor exhaust temperature, so that the compressor temperature is kept within the normal range, even if the compressor is opened at 100 ° C ~ 150 ° C for cooling, the refrigeration system will not overheat protection

3, Energy saving measures (cooling capacity PID adjustment)

Equipped with cooling capacity adjustment device, such as evaporation temperature adjustment, energy regulation, hot gas by-pass energy regulation to ensure that under the premise of meeting the main technical indicators, reduce the equipment energy consumption, at any low temperature point constant temperature, no heating balance. Different from the traditional, simple refrigeration bypass (need heating balance, waste energy), so that the use of power reduced by 40%, can save the use of operating costs, which is the most advanced control method in China

4, Advantages of temperature program control instrument

Germany Siemens programmable controller, independent intellectual property rights of the special control software, more than the general controller to achieve high-precision control of environmental test equipment, control inertia, drift ideal

5, Strong carrying capacity

Test specimen in the environmental test process is very common requirements, due to the difference in control mode and control principle, the load capacity of the environmental test equipment of various enterprises is very different, my company's products not only in the low temperature segment and strong load capacity, in the high temperature segment also has a strong load capacity

6, Solenoid valve long service life

The frequent start and stop of the solenoid valve and in the environmental test conditions of high and low temperature cold and thermal shock, the sealing performance of the solenoid valve will be severely tested, my company after 5 to 8 months of intermediate test, has changed the Italian CASTEL solenoid valve to the United States "Emerson" solenoid valve, greatly improving the overall reliability of the product

Touch type programmable temperature and humidity controller

It is temperature and humidity programmable controller which equips with the general control, heating and cooling function by supporting high definition TFT-LCD touch screen and SD card.


High accuracy

Precision control with 18bit A/D convertor

TEMP. : ±0.1% of full scale ±1 digit

HUMI. : ±1.0% of full scale ±1digit

      Optimizing PID group

Precision control by 6 groups of TEMP./HUMI. and 3 group of temperature only

      Specialized controller

As a specialized controller for temperature and humidity, synchronized control system with PT-PT, PT-DCV

     Specialized humidity control

Humidity control algorithm implements a stable control according to the equipment size。

      Heating cooling control

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Walk-in Constant Temperature And Humidity Test Chamber

Walk-in environmental test chamber series products, the first through the CE certification, configuration 34L, 64L, 100L, 180L, 340L, 600L, 1000L, 1500L and other volume models, to meet the needs of different customers. Environmentally friendly refrigerants and high-performance refrigeration systems are used in the design, and components are made of internationally renowned brands. The unique humidification system provides a wide selection of humidity ranges.Temperature range: 150℃~ -40℃; 150℃~ -70℃, Cooling rate: 1℃/min or 3℃/min.  

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